13 Dice Scheiß.

Its pronounced "Shice".

PlayersDifficultyDrunk Scale
Materials Required & Game Setup
  • The ability to do Kindergarten level math.
  • 3 Dice and a pen and pad or piece of paper for each player.
  • Create 3 columns on the piece of paper. Then create 13 Rows.
  • Label the columns "Guess", "Actual", and "Difference" from left to right.
1.The goal of the game is to correctly guess that the 3 dice will add up to before a player rolls.
2.Every player writes down their guess, then the player with the dice rolls. All players then write down what the dice added up to. Then simply write down how far off you were in the difference column.
3.Drink the difference! After all players have finished drinking, the dice are passed to the next player.
4.If a player rolls triples, 2 is added to their own difference. If a player rolls a 13, they must add 2 to their total difference. If the player rolls a 7, they can add 1 to a player's total difference. Remember, you're aiming to get the lowest total difference at the end of the game.
5.If a player correctly guesses the roll, they can add 2 to a player's difference total of their choice (or split it).
6.At the end of the game, the player with the lowest total difference wins.
7.Unfortunately if you're not the winner, you must drink more! If you're the player with the largest difference, you must drink for 10 seconds. 2nd largest difference, drink 7 seconds. Every other loser must drink 5 seconds.