French Darts.

Team game requiring frisbee skills and the slight destruction of your lawn.

PlayersDifficultyDrunk Scale
Materials Required & Game Setup
  • 2 Poles or PVC Pipes, 2 empty beer bottles, tape or spray paint, rubber mallet or something and a frisbee.
1.Take the two poles or pipes and hammer them into the ground 20-25 feet from each other. Tape or paint a line on both poles about 2 feet off the ground.Place an empty beer bottle on each of the poles.
2.The Four Players split into two teams of two.
3.For the entirety of the game, all players must keep a beer or drink in their hand, so learn how to catch one handed.
4.The goal of the game is to knock the beer bottle off the poles with the frisbee. If a player does this by hitting the pole, their team gets 2 points while the other team must drink for 2 seconds. However, if one of the defenders catches the frisbee after it hit the pole, they only have to drink 1 second and the team only gets one point. If a player hits the actual bottle, they score 4 points and the affected team drinks for 4 seconds. The frisbee must hit above the line on the pole, otherwise it does not count.
5.Each team takes turns by throwing the frisbee back and fourth (alternating teammates).
6.When a bottle is knocked over, reset it and drink for the appropriate amount.
7.A defender or thrower can never step in front of their own pole while throwing or catching the frisbee.
8.The first team to reach 21 wins.