Fuck You Pyramid.

PlayersDifficultyDrunk Scale

A great way to learn people's names, break the ice, and get the night started off right.

1.The dealer creates a pyramid with 10 cards. 4 at the base, 3 at the next layer, 2 at the next and finally 1 at the top. Each tier of the pyramid represents a multiplier for how many seconds someone will eventually have to drink. The base tier's multiplier is 1, the second tier's multiplier is 2, the third tier's is 3 and the final card is 4. This will all make sense in a moment.
2.Each player gets two cards at the beginning of each round. The dealer then flips one of the cards in the base of the pyramid and the game begins.
3.The goal of the game is to get a certain person of your choice to drink. To do so, you must have a card that is either the same number or same suit as the card that the dealer just flipped over. If your card does not match, you cannot go. If your card DOES match, you can place it down and say "Fuck You, [Insert Name Here]!".
4.ANYONE CAN GO AT ANY TIME. That's right, there are no turns.
5.The game is a rapid fire shitstorm of profanity and laughter until either no one else can go, or everyone runs out of cards. When that point is reached, the dealer counts all of the cards up. This is how many seconds you must drink. Then take into account the multiplier. If you're on the 3rd Tier and there were 11 cards placed down, the total amount of seconds that need to be drank is 33 seconds.
6.The person that got "fucked" last must drink for the entire amount of seconds earned. But Wait, here's the interesting part. The person who put down the last card must count for the seconds that the other must drink. They may do this as fast or as slow as they'd like, BUT if the person finishes their drink before the other is done counting, the full amount of seconds (not the remaining seconds) goes back to them and the other counts for them instead. This can lead to a back and fourth battle of chugging, so be cognizant of your tolerance to chugging whatever you're drinking!