Ride The Bus.

PlayersDifficultyDrunk Scale

A watered down version of Black Indian, with a bonus at the end.

1.The Dealer begins by asking each player on the table "Red or Black". The dealer then gives the player that card. If the player guesses correctly, they hand out one drink. If they guess wrong, they must drink for one second.
2.In the next round, the dealer asks each player "Higher or Lower". This refers to the card whether the card the dealer is currently holding is higher or lower than the player's card. The dealer then gives the player that card. If correct / incorrect, please refer to rule 1.
3.In the following round, the dealer asks each player "Outside or Inbetween". This refers to whether or not the card the dealer current has in their hand is inbetween or higher / lower than the two cards the player currently has. For example, a 7 is inbetween 3 and 10. The dealer then gives the player that card. If correct / incorrect, please refer to rule 1.
4.In the fourth round, the dealer asks each player to name a suit. The dealer then gives the player that card. If correct/incorrect, please refer to rule 1.
5.In the final round, the dealer asks each player to name a an exact card (Value and Suit). The dealer then gives the player that card. If correct/incorrect, please refer to rule 1.
6.After all players have completed the last round, the dealer deals out 8 cards in 2 columns of 4, then two cards single file above those. One column represents 'Take' and the other represents 'Give', which column is which is up to the dealer. Each row of the two columns equals seconds in multiples of two. The first row is two seconds, the second tier equals four, then six, then eight. The final cards equal 10 seconds each. One at a time, the dealer will flip the cards and the players possessing the cards of matching value will either take or give the value of that tier. For example, if the dealer flips a 6 in the take column on the second tier, any players with a 6 in their hand must drink for 4 seconds.
7.When all cards have been flipped the game is over. All players must drink for the total value of their remaining hand. The player with the most cards left in their hand loses and must ride the bus.
8.The Dealer then sets up "The Bus". The bus is represented by 10 cards face up in a line. The loser must make his way to the front of the bus by simply guessing if the card the dealer is about to flip is higher or lower than the card on the bus. Start at one end and start guessing, if the loser guesses the first card correctly move onto the second one, then the third and so on. Whether the loser guesses right or wrong, be sure that the dealer places the cards that they're flipping over the cards on the bus so that the bus is constantly changing. If the loser guesses wrong they must START OVER and drink for the amount of cards they made it into the bus multiplied by two. For example if the loser made it to the 6th card and then guessed wrong, they must drink for 12 seconds.
9.It'd be a good idea to not lose unless you like being retarded for the rest of the night.