Stack Cup.

You've been training for this your whole life.

PlayersDifficultyDrunk Scale
Materials Required & Game Setup
  • Beer.
  • At least a 20-Pack of cups.
  • Two pong balls.
  • A fairly large table.
  • Place all but two of the cups in a giant cluster on the table, fill them 1/4 with beer.
  • Designate one cup as the "Death Cup", fill it to the top, and place it in the middle of said cluster.
1.Stand in a circle around the table. Choose two players that are opposite eachother to go first. Then, give the two players a pong ball and one of the empty cups you set aside. These are "Bounce Cups".
2.Once the game begins, the two players must try to bounce their ball into the Bounce Cup. When the player makes the shot, they pass the cup and ball off to the player on the left.
3.If a player makes their first shot, they may pass the cup and ball to any player of their choice.
4.If a player accidentally sinks one of the cups in the cluster, they must stop what they're doing, remove the ball, drink the cup, and stack the empty cup onto their Bounce Cup before resuming play.
5.Eventually one player will catch up to another. It becomes a race of sorts. If the second player sinks their Bounce Cup before the first player, they must stack their cup in the first player's cup and pass the entire stack to the next player.
6.Meanwhile, the player that was stacked on must grab a new cup from the cluster, drink, thus creating a new Bounce Cup, and begin bouncing again.
7.The game ends when a player is passed and only the Death Cup remains. The loser must chug the Death Cup.