Straight Six.

Think of it as drunk Monopoly.

PlayersDifficultyDrunk Scale
Materials Required & Game Setup
  • Beer (of the same brand) or mix drinks (of the same composition). Maybe liquor if you enjoy Cirrhosis.
  • 6 cups, A Sharpie and a die.
  • Place the 6 cups on the table in a straight line. Take the sharpie and number them in order 1 through 6.
1.There is no goal to this game other than to get fucked up. No one can win, and no one can lose. Though, at times, it can seem like someone is "winning".
2.The first player rolls the die and then pours their drink in whatever number cup they rolled. Fill it 1/3 of the way. (Ex. They roll a 4, so they pour their drink into cup #4). This continues for every player for the rest of the game.
3.If a person rolls the number of an empty cup, they add their drink to the cup. That cup is now "theirs" and the player must keep track of these cups.
4.If a player rolls the number of a cup that is filled, they must take the cup and chug it until it's empty.
5.However, if a player rolls the number of a cup that is "theirs" they add to it once more. (1/3 of a cup at a time). So eventually, some cups, though quite rare, can become more full than others.
6.Play until you're plastered.