What Are The Odds?

Dare to be brave.

PlayersDifficultyDrunk Scale
Game Summary
  • The gist of the game is to make people do absurd shit, even when they don't want to.
1.The player who goes first chooses any other player to do a dare. They must start by asking: "[Name].. What are the odds that you'll [insert dare here]."
2.The player who has been dared must choose a number between 1 and 14. 1 Meaning they'd definitely do it and 14 means they don't want to do it at all. SAY THE NUMBER OUT LOUD.
3.Once the number is said, the two players involved must both think of a number to themselves between 1 and the number the potential victim chose. (Ex. If the player gave the odds of a 7 that they'd do the dare, the two players must choose a number between 1 and 7).
4.A third and neutral player then counts down from 3, at which at the end of the count, the two players must say their chosen numbers out loud. If the numbers match, the dared player must do said dare.
5.If you lose and have to perform the dare, you MUST perform the dare. No questions asked. This game is no fun if people puss out.