The Dark Knight Trilogy.

Universal Rules

These rules apply to all four movies.
Take a Drink When:
1.Someone says "Bruce", "Wayne" or "Batman".
2.There is a fight scene.
3.There is a view of Gotham's Skyline.
4.There is a panoramic.

Batman Begins.

Take a Drink When:
1.The names "Rachel" or "Scarecrow" are said.
2.Batman gets a new piece of equipment.
3.Bruce Wayne is an asshole.
Take 2 Drinks When:
4.You see the scumbag of TV Joffrey Baratheon (Extra gulp if you have to look up who it is).
5.Someone is shown hallucinating.
6.Someone says "Why do we fall".
Finish Your Drink When:
7.Batman calls in the bat reinforcements.
8.Rachel finds out Bruce is Batman.

The Dark Knight.

Take a Drink When:
1.The names "Harvey", "Dent", or "Rachel" are mentioned.
Take 2 Drinks When:
2.Gun(s) are fired.
Chug for 5 Seconds When:
3.The Joker talks about his scars.
Finish Your Drink When:
4.The Lamborghini is killed in the car crash.
5.Rachel dies.

The Dark Knight Rises.

Take a Drink When:
1.The names "Harvey", "Dent", or "Bane" are mentioned.
2.You see an explosion.
3.Berlin and Munich are mentioned/seen in text.
Finish Your Drink When:
4.Batman gets it in!
5.Batman escapes the pit!