The Bourne Trilogy

Universal Rules

These rules apply to all four movies.
Take a Drink When:
1.The names "Jason", "Bourne", "Nikkie" or "Pam" are said.
2.Someone speaks in another language.
3.There is text on screen.
Take a Gulp When:
4.There's a fight.

The Bourne Identity

Take a Drink When:
1.The names "Marie", "Wombosi" and "John Michael Kane" are said.
Take a Gulp When:
2.You see Bourne's bullet scars.
3.An alarm/siren goes off.
4.Treadstone is said or seen in text.
5.The Professor is on screen (Clive Owen).
Finish your drink!
6.Cause you know Jason Bourne just got laid!

The Bourne Supremacy

Take a Drink When:
1.The mentions the name "Ward".
2.Treadstone is said or seen in text.
3.Berlin and Munich are mentioned/seen in text.
Take A Gulp For:
4.A flashback.
5.A chase scene.
6.A gun is fired.
7.When Bourne's assassin, Kirill, is on screen.
Chug For 7 Seconds:
8.When there's a shootout.
Finish Your Drink For:
9.The end of the movie.

The Bourne Ultimatum

Take a Drink When:
1.The mentions the names "Noah" or "Neil Daniels".
2.Treadstone is said or seen in text.
3.Operation Blackbriar is mentioned.
4.There is a panoramic scene.
Take A Gulp For:
5.A chase scene.
6.When "Marie" is mentioned.
Finish Your Drink For:
7.Bourne finds out who he really is.