The Die Hard Series.

Universal Rules

These rules apply to all four movies.
Take a Drink When:
1.Someone says "McClane".

Die Hard.

Take a Drink When:
1.A christmas song is on.
2.A terrorist is killed.
3.Someone speaks in German.
4.Someone mentions "Nakatomi".
Take 2 Drinks When:
7."Yippee Ki-yay" is said.
8.There's a fist fight scene.
9.Everytime Theo says a riddle or corny line.
Begin chugging when:
9.Hans falls out of the window. Don't Stop Drinking Until He Lands!
Finish Your Drink When:
12.Argyle is blasting music and dancing in the limo.

Die Hard 2.

Take a Drink When:
1.Someone says "McClane" or "General".
2.Each time McClane says "Holly".
3.You see an airplane.
Take 2 Drinks When:
4.The fat cop is an asshole.
5.Richard Thornburg is a dick. Hah.
6.McClane talks to himself.
Chug for 5 Seconds When:
7.McClane fires his machine gun at the fat cop.
8.A plane crashes.
9.Richard Thornburg gets tazed.
Finish Your Drink When:
10.The cargo jet explodes.

Die Hard With a Vengeance.

Take a Drink When:
1.Someone says "McClane".
2.Someone says "bomb".
Take 2 Drinks When:
3.McClain complains about his headache.
4.You see a New York landmark.
Take A Gulp When:
5.Someone speaks on a telephone.
6.Samuel Jackson is a racist.
7.Someone says "Simon Says".
Chug For 5 Seconds
8.When there's an explosion.
Finish Your Drink When:
9.Simon blows up the "gold".
And If You're Not a Baby...
10.Drink every time you hear a car or truck horn.

Live Free or Die Hard.

Take a Drink When:
1.McClane is a douchebag.
2.There's a fight.
3.Someone says "McClane", "Firesale" or "Computer".
4.A Washington DC monument is shown.
Take 2 Drinks When:
5.A hacker dies.
Take A Gulp When:
6.McClane shits on Matt.
7.An incredibly unrealistic action sequence happens.
8.Silent Bob talks.
Finish Your Drink When:
9.Maggie Q takes a plunge.
And If You're Not a Baby...
10.Drink everytime you see a computer monitor.