The Harry Potter Octology.

Universal Rules

These rules apply to all seven movies.
Take a Drink When:
1.Someone says "Magic", "Muggle", "Hogwarts", "Voldemort" or "Wizard".
2.The Hogwarts Castle is shown from the outside.
3.You see magic or a spell.
And If You're Not A Baby... (+2/7)
4.Pick a character, Drink every time they speak in a new scene.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

Take a Drink When:
1.Anytime House Points are awarded or mentioned.
2.Harry's scar is shown, mentioned or if he touches it.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Take a Drink When:
1."Dobby" or "Mudblood" is said.
2.Harry's scar is shown, mentioned or if he touches it.
Take 2 Drinks When:
3.Anyone mentions that someone is hurt or petrified.
4.The Chamber is mentioned.
5.Ron, Harry and Hermione are together on screen at the same time.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azakaban.

Take a Drink When:
1."Azkaban" is said.
2.Someone pulls out their wand. (Pause).
2.Harry interacts with a teacher. (Once per scene).
Take 2 Drinks When:
3.Sirius Black is mentioned or a picture of him is shown.
4.An animals transforms.
5.You see a Hippogriff.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Take a Drink When:
1.Someone says "three" or "tri".
2.Someone mentions the Goblet.
3.You see someone's wand.
4.x2 Drinks for the mention of Voldemort or an exterior shot of Hogwarts.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

Take a Drink When:
1."Witch" is said.
2.Someone pulls out their wand. (Pause).
3.A new rule is made at Hogwarts.
Take 2 Drinks When:
4.Harry dreams about Voldemort.

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

Take a Drink When:
1.You see a wand.
2.The Half Blood Prince's book is shown or mentioned.
Take 2 Drinks When:
3.There's a flashback.
4.Someone is severely injured or killed.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1.

Take a Drink When:
1.Someone pulls out their wand. (Seriously tho, pause).
Take 2 Drinks When:
2.Anyone or anything dies.
3.Someone apparates.
4.Horcrux is mentioned.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.

Take a Drink When:
1.Someone pulls out their wand. (Seriously tho, pause).
2.Horcrux is mentioned.
Take 2 Drinks When:
2.Harry sees into Voldemort's mind (and Vice Versa).
3.Someone dies.
4.Horcrux is destroyed.