The Indiana Jones Series.

Universal Rules

These rules apply to both movies.
Take a Drink When:
1.Indiana Jones is mentioned.
Take a Gulp When:
2.Someone speaks another language.
3.Indy uses his whip.
4.There's a Fight scene.
5.There's an explosion.
6.Everytime there is text on screen.

Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Take a Drink When:
1.The names Marion Ravenwood / Mr. Ravenwood, Sallah and Belloq are mentioned in any way.
2.Someone mentions the nazis.
3.Cairo is mentioned.
Take a Gulp When:
4.The Ark of the covenant is mentioned.
Finish Your Drink When:
5.Indy finds the Ark of the covenant.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

Take a Drink When:
1.The names Willie Scott or Short Round/Shorty are mentioned in any way.
2.Willie screams.
Finish Your Drink When:
3.Indy is forced to drink the blood.
4.When Indy cuts the bridge in half.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

Take a Drink When:
1.The names Professor Henry Jones, Marcus Brody or Elsa are mentioned in any way.
2.You see a the Nazi emblem.
3.Cairo is mentioned.
Take a Gulp When:
4.The map of where Indy is traveling is on screen.
5.Every chase scene.
Finish Your Drink When:
6.Indy drinks from the Holy Grail.