The Star Wars Prequel Trilogy.

Universal Rules

These rules apply to all three movies.
First Off:
1.Try to chug as long as you can during the intro part with words scrolling up.
2.Pick a major character, and drink every time they talk in a new scene.
Take a Drink When:
3.There's a fight scene.
4.There's a panoramic shot.
5.Any of the classic Star Wars music plays.
6.A scene is shown out in space.
7.Anyone mentions the "Force", "Jedi", "Republic" or "Federation".
8.There's a new scene on a different planet. (Yes, every time. Even when the movie has shown that planet before).
Take a Gulp When:
9.A major character is introduced for the first time.

Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Take a HUGE gulp:
1.Qui Gon is killed
Finish Your Drink For:
2.Jar Jar's blue balls.

Episode II: Attack of the Clones

Finish Your Drink When:
1.All of the Jedi knights appear at the arena.

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.

Chug For 5 Seconds When:
1.Padme gives birth.
Finish Your Drink For:
2.Order 66.